2007 • 292 pages


Average rating3.5


The only reason I keep on reading this series is because I really like Noah. I like the plot too, but I like the idea more than how it is written (this seems to be a theme with me and this series).

That being said, I liked that Noah showed some teeth (wouldn't have minded more, though) and I hope he keeps that up. Not necessarily in a D/s context. So far I like both the romantic aspect and the D/s dynamic equally and I wonder how they are going to evolve.

I am surprised I don't dislike Phantom. That could change, but so far he's actually been okay. And speaking of Phantom, his relationship with Tobias doesn't sell to me. I read the details of what they had, but considering how Tobias is with Noah, I don't buy it. There's nothing about Tobias that proves to me that their relationship was indeed as they describe it. At this point I'm not even sure he will meet Noah's needs as their relationship develops.

As someone already mentioned, the books don't feel like individual books of a series, they read exactly like a new chapter. Although I don't really mind that since I have all the books and I can read them one after the other, that's not ideal. If I would have stuck to my initial plan and read something else in between each book I don't think I could have gotten back into the mood easily.

Overall the third book was okay, nothing really stood out. Maybe just that I would like Noah drinking some more water.

October 30, 2020Report this review