Do You Feel It Too?

Do You Feel It Too?


In the past, this author's books have been a little hit or miss for me, but the whole “ghost hunter” angle of this one intrigued me. And, I enjoyed it. It was fairly low angst, insta-love read. The writing was well done. It was well paced. The plot was engaging. It had humor. It had little bits of interesting history sprinkled throughout. I would have liked a bit more sex, but the scenes we get were suitably hot. There was no OW or OM drama. Neither were virgins. It had some great secondary characters. The parrot was especially funny, and I hope Daisy and Ivan get an HEA of their own.

Gabe was pretty much a perfect hero. Maybe a bit TOO perfect as I found it a little hard to believe he would go from this guy whose whole life was traveling around (and him loving it) to him being perfectly happy staying in one place for the heroine after just ONE week of knowing each other. The author even implies this by having him be disappointed at missing out on chances to do some things he has always wanted to do. Hence why I loved Lily and totally got where she was coming from. Considering his brief look of disappointment about the Scotland trip, I would have had my doubts as well. Last, it was all wrapped up in an OK ending. It was sweet for sure but felt a little abrupt to me.

November 11, 2018Report this review