Cover 3

Doctor Who



Average rating4

Jamie RevellSupporter

This, the one hundredth release in the main series of Big Finish Doctor Who audio dramas (wow) is an anthology of four half-hour stories linked by the loose theme of the number 100.

* A comedy set in ancient Rome, concerning an event that's due to happen in 100 BC, but that the Doctor's presence may have put in peril. Evelyn's scheme is a bit ridiculous (as a historian, you'd think she'd know why it wouldn't work), but, on the whole it's a good bit of fun.

* The Doctor attends Mozart's one hundredth birthday party, in a story that mixes humour and pathos, and largely comes out in favour of the former. A bit of a mixed bag, enlivened by John Sessions playing all the parts apart from the Doctor and Evelyn.

* And then it suddenly gets a bit grim with a story about family death, and, once it eventually shows itself, a pretty scary monster. (The relevance of the number 100 to this is a bit spoilery, so no mention of that from me).

* Finally, the Doctor has 100 days to live, and spends most of them wandering through other bits of Big Finish's continuity. Which lets him point out Erimem, C'rizz, and so on, although he never gets to interact with any of them (and we don't even hear them). It's all a bit self-indulgent, but entirely forgiveable for the 100th release.

May 20, 2015Report this review