Doctor Who: Brave New Town
2007 • 1h


Average rating4

Jamie RevellSupporter

I seem to be in something of a minority in really liking this one. It's set in a British seaside town that's not only in the middle of a desert but is stuck perpetually on the same date in 1991 - which means, tragically, that Bryan Adams has been at Number One for seventeen years.

The story, of course, is about trying to solve the mystery of this, as well as that of a missing teenage girl. Once the answers come, they make a surprising amount of sense, and the story switches to trying to stop the sinister force that's partly responsible.

The whole piece is well acted, and the 60-minute format makes this feel like it could well be an episode of the new series. It's perhaps more of a 4.5 stars than a full 5, since it doesn't really break new ground or anything, but it's very solidly done, and makes a good story.

July 31, 2015Report this review