Doctor Who: Hothouse
2009 • 1h


Average rating4

Jamie RevellSupporter

As is fairly obvious from the cover, this features a return of the Krynoids from the television story The Seeds of Doom. It's not a particularly innovative treatment of them, to be sure, although neither is it entirely unoriginal. One of the notable features is the updating of the story to a clearly contemporary setting, with references to global warming and concerns about immigration (although, this having been written in 2008, the immigrants in question are Polish, not Syrian).

The focus, however, is on a fairly traditional base-under-siege story, in this case set in a sort of bio-dome in the English countryside. As so often in the 8th Doctor audios, it's helped by good acting, with Sheridan Smith as Lucie managing to upstage Nigel Planer as an ageing rock star and environmentalist. This, and the believable yet somewhat dystopian setting (it appears to be set in the near future) help raise it above the merely average rating that the plot itself probably deserves.

December 21, 2015Report this review