Doctor Who: No More Lies
2007 • 1h


Average rating4

Jamie RevellSupporter

Easily the weakest of the first season of the Big Finish 8th Doctor adventures, this is really rather confused. The story starts in media res on a doomed spaceship, and it's never terribly clear how we got there, or, indeed, much of what's going on. This is interspersed with scenes at a garden party - the connection between the two presumably being intended as a rather more intriguing mystery than it actually is.

The high quality guest cast drag this out of mediocrity, but, for once, they can't quite take it any further than that. One can see what the author was aiming at with themes of redemption and so on, but he never quite manages to make it work. Honestly, not an awful lot happens until the recurring villain turns up at the end and manages to get something right for a change. By which time the story is over.

April 20, 2015Report this review