Cover 1

Doctor Who



Average rating2

Jamie RevellSupporter

A 3rd Doctor story, told from the Brigadier's perspective, this deals with a UNIT base in Germany that's under attack by what appear to be ghosts. Given that this is a Companion Chronicle, it makes sense that the Doctor doesn't appear until about half way through, and doesn't do an awful lot once he does turn up. But that means we're left with the Brigadier to carry it all, and that just didn't work for me.

I found the story rather bland, and I suspect that the main appeal is the fact that it happens to have Nicholas Courtney in it. If you're a big fan of the Brigadier and UNIT in general (and many are) you'll probably like this. There's a lot about military honour, dedication to duty, and so on, in the story, if you like that kind of thing, and, again, I can't argue that that doesn't fit with who the POV character happens to be.

So... it's not rubbish, but for me, this one really didn't work. Frankly, I just thought it was dull.

June 1, 2015Report this review