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Doctor Who



Average rating4

Jamie RevellSupporter

A Second Doctor story told from the perspective of Polly.

You wait for two-and-a-half seasons, and then two come along at once - this is the second straight historical in a row for the Companion Chronicles, and arguably a straighter one than the previous entry. Anyone who is only looking for spaceships and monsters can certainly give this one a miss, although the fact that Polly has travelled into her own past is certainly relevant to the plot.

As should be apparent from the title, the story is set in Occupied France during World War II. Much of the story concerns Polly and the Doctor simply trying to escape from the Germans and their collaborators, and get back to the TARDIS - a common enough sort of plot for '60s Who, although perhaps more so for Hartnell than Troughton. I found it enjoyable and atmospheric, about the right length for what happens, and successfully brought to life by Anneke Wills.

It wouldn't make one of the great war movies of our time, but it's a nice solid adventure, and does a good job of exploring Polly's background and family history, and how she reacts to it.

November 30, 2015Report this review