Doctor Who: The Grey Man of the Mountain

Doctor Who: The Grey Man of the Mountain



Average rating4

Jamie RevellSupporter

This is the final Seventh Doctor release of Big Finish's main monthly range, before he was moved to his own series (and preantepenultimate release in the series overall). As such, it's standalone, although there are tangential links to the popular TV story Battlefield. It sees the Doctor and Ace arriving in the Cairngorms in a year that's deliberately unspecified, but is probably in the early 2000s. They team up with a supposedly retired Brigadier to investigate a myth that has apparently turned deadly.

The myth in question is actually a ‘real' one, dating back to a report of an event in 1891 of a mysterious “Big Grey Man” supposedly haunting the peak of Ben Macdui. The story digs into it, and also uses the real-world geography of the area although the name and details of the hotel they are staying at have obviously been changed. It's used to create something that feels like a supernatural mystery, with the characters travelling across the barren peak pursued by something that never quite comes into clear view. There's also a Lovecraftian feel to it in places, with those who do see the Grey Man up close being driven mad by the experience; that even the Doctor isn't entirely immune adds to the tension.

I found all of this to be well-written and atmospheric, with strong supporting characters and plenty of opportunity for Ace to take the lead. I did, however, find the final segment to be a slight disappointment, the sense of dread vanishing once the mystery is solved and the characters interact more closely with the titular Grey Man. In fairness, it's still effective and the resolution is in keeping with the themes of Doctor Who more broadly, but the atmosphere is reduced as we head into something that's a more typical adventure. Nonetheless, overall, this is a strong final outing before the Seventh Doctor heads off to his own series.