Doctor Who: The Hunting Ground


Average rating3

Jamie RevellSupporter

The Doctor visits present-day Iceland in a story that has vague links to the Predator movies and Nordic noir, but doesn't really resemble either very closely. The companion role is taken by Yrsa, a police detective whose own father died under mysterious circumstances and is now drawn into the investigation of what seems to be a similar death.

Most of the plot concerns trying to track down the alien responsible and somehow bring him to justice. There's much talk of Icelandic belief in elves and trolls, and one can only assume that this is why Yrsa seems to accept the Doctor so easily even before being presented with clear proof that he isn't either mad or pulling her leg. There are also a few elements of humour, some concerning an office printer that quite literally has a mind of its own (for no terribly plausible reason, to be honest).

It can't really be described as a mystery, since we know who's responsible, although there are some questions as to who is helping them out and who exactly can be trusted. The story moves along at a reasonable pace, although there are a few plot holes and the ending is rather predictable. Whether you'll enjoy it may depend on whether you enjoy the intentional absurdities (and there are a number) or find them distracting in a tale that's not otherwise much of a comedy.

Perhaps it should have either gone for all-out bonkers or played up a grim Nordic noir tone. As it is, it falls somewhere in between. The result is a decent enough Sixth Doctor story, without any fatal flaws, but not especially memorable either.

September 5, 2021Report this review