Cover 4




Average rating4


I received this audiobook for free in exchange for an honest review. I didn't like it and I only made it to about 40%. I don't know what the protocol is here, but listening to it was making me feel pretty bad, so I'm going to stop.

It's probably an accurate portrayal of how people acted in Roman times (1st century AD). But really, it feels like over-the-top erotica, and it's just not my kink.

The main character, Gaius, has a lot of sex with a lot of people. He is rude and controlling at all times, especially to slaves. I understand this is a romance between him and a specific slave, and maybe when that happens, he becomes less of a bully. But I didn't make it to that point, so I don't know if that's true. I stopped listening when his love interest was literally begging the gods to die because he's so miserable.

Gaius also misgenders his rival all the time (he calls him Princess to mock him, behind his back). I really hate that kind of humor. There is also sexual violence, on page and off, and some of it is meant to be sexy (Gaius touching his love interest, who hates him).

So, I am sorry, but I can't handle this. The reviews here made it sound very plot-heavy. It might turn that way; I can't say. I kept thinking that no matter what happened to the MC or how he grew as a person, I couldn't ever like him. It's in third-person omniscient PoV, and there's often head-hopping (more than one PoV in a scene).

If you like erotica with a strong BDSM element, you may like this. I can see how it would be a fun romp for other readers.

January 17, 2020Report this review