Average rating3.8
A book that shows you how to prevent the little things in life driving you crazy. In thoughtful and insightful language, author Richard Carlson reveals ways to calm down in the midst of your hurried, stress-filled life. Learn how to put things in perspective by making the small daily changes he suggests, including advice such as "Think of your problems as potential teachers"; and "remember that when you die, your 'in' box won't be empty". You should also try to live in the present moment, let others have the glory at times, and lower your tolerance to stress. You can write down your most stubborn positions and see if you can soften them, learn to trust your intuitions, and live each day as if it might be your last.
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2.5 stars. This book is written in a 100-tip format that was unnecessary and in fact a hindrance to its success as a book. Several of the tips are repeats of things said earlier in the book. Possibly a subjective opinion, but I think fewer tips and more elaboration on the ones that matter more would help this book feel more substantial and comprehensive. The tips also aren't organized in any particular way, which wouldn't be the worst thing on its own, but it just makes it difficult to get through.
That said, there are genuinely good tips in here, some better written here than in other places. So if moseying through self-improvement books is your thing (as it so often appears to be mine), you still ought to find value in this one.
About the book: Don't Sweat the Small Stuff (1997) is all about finding happiness and peace of mind. It teaches you how to turn your problems into opportunities, stay calm in stressful situations and fully live in the moment so you can appreciate what you have and get the most out of life.
About the author: Psychotherapist Rich Carlson became a global hit with his Don't Sweat the Small Stuff series, published in over 130 countries. Carlson specialized in stress management put simply: his catchphrase became an important part of American culture.
My highlights:
If you want to reach your goals, stay relaxed and be true to yourself.
Constantly working yourself into a stressed-out state will only leave you fatigued and unhappy. You won't get any closer to your goals – you'll just run yourself into the ground.If you want to truly realize your dreams, it's much better to have a relaxed and contemplative approach to life.
Start by relaxing whenever you can. You might think you should only relax on holidays or the weekend, but that's not true. You should always be able to take a break after you've been working too hard.Another way you can enjoy a relaxing, contemplative outlook is to act bored. Seriously! Try and make yourself bored on purpose.
stop living for other people and follow your own will. We often work ourselves into unhappiness because we're trying to please others.
If you're determined to always be right, you'll destroy your relationships and happiness.
Don't hold on to your anger.
If you're determined to always be right, you'll alienate yourself from the people who really matter.
Keep the small stuff small.
Keep the small stuff small. There are much more important things to care about
Be kind to others – even when you think they don't deserve it.
We're often so busy working toward our goals that we forget to appreciate the things that matter most. So take a break each day and think about the people you're thankful for
People can certainly be annoying or frustrating but that doesn't mean you should get upset. Instead, try to understand what's causing them to be that way. When you empathize with them, they'll annoy you less.
Treat yourself well by treating others well.
Think positively and view your problems as learning opportunities.
Your entire life is a reflection of your thoughts.
Your thoughts create your reality.
Remember that everything will pass. Nothing stays forever. Every moment is temporary and you can choose to feel better whenever you want.
Focus on what you have instead of what you don't have.
You can't control the outside world but you can control what happens inside.
Live in the present moment.
If you want peace of mind, it's essential to live in the moment. We tend to dwell on problems from the past and worry about the future so much that we end up frustrated, depressed and anxious.
When you're patient with yourself and your life, you'll be more willing to accept things as they are. So practice patience on a daily basis.
Remember: the present is the only time that really exists. Cherish it for what it is.
Make peace with yourself and your life.
If you strive to be perfect, you'll only end up focusing on your flaws.
Focus on the things you appreciate rather than the things you want to change.
when you're feeling stressed out or under pressure, just stop for a minute. Repeat to yourself that nothing is an emergency.
Final summary
Your life is a reflection of your thoughts – when you master your thoughts you can master yourself. So stay calm, even in situations where you think you can't. Thinking positively, take the time to appreciate your loved ones and let go of your animosity. Live in the moment. When you learn to keep the small stuff small, you'll find real happiness and peace of mind.
Very good book. I can can highly recommend everybody to read this book.
So- as you know from one of my recent reviews, I do not typically pick up books of this genre. This one however- this one hit home for me. It was utterly poignant and relatable. I was dog-earing pages that resonated with me and found myself constantly recognizing my own flaws as a result of this book. I am so incredibly grateful for the person who gave this to me as a graduation gift. It hits at the perfect time to change who I am to become a better person in college and beyond.
I've already recommended it to my best friends, actually. That's how much this book impacted me.