Cover 7

Dragon Fairest

I picked this up thinking, eh, it might be okay. And it was better.

First, the cons. The editing annoyed me. Too many sentence fragments for sure. A few too many technical errors, which I could have ignored better if I wasn't suffering from the fragments. And frankly, the twists didn't surprise me. The only time I was a little surprised was when a pack of wolves showed up out of nowhere. (Cool!)

The good stuff. The prose was written well enough. The characters were fun. The plot, while pretty standard, at least avoided major holes and was assembled in a decently suspenseful order. I'm making this sound more lackluster than it was. Really, about a chapter in, I told myself, “This is better than I expected,” and settled in for the ride.

Will it ever be one of my favorites? No. Do I feel like I wasted my time? Definitely not. It was fun, and really, some days that's all you need.

June 18, 2022Report this review