Cover 4

Dragon Forged

286 pages


Average rating4


Another day, another progression novel done, hmmmmmm........keep wondering what is inside these books that make them so hard to put down(and each series is what 8 books and more......)Maybe........progress........

Now we have dragons or blood of dragons as the source of ascension or progress, as with all progression novels our hero did not......progress(heheheh.....ughhhh....I need to get out more), this time we have a new source of advancement, blood of dragons or firewater, Robert or Rob(no more asian names), is the only villager unable to advance even after drinking more than his fair share, as the book progresses, more and more ideas are introduced, making this one different from your usual training and training until you explode to your next advancement....

A fascinating and new approach to progressing, and since this has dragon in it, I am really looking forward to how they will incorporate that into levelling up........

May 10, 2023Report this review