Dragon's Code

Dragon's Code

2018 • 272 pages


Average rating3


Fans of Anne McCaffrey's original series should really enjoy this new book! Of course, anyone hoping to read this installment should read the previous books (Dragonsong, Dragonsinger, and Dragondrums) first in order to understand and appreciate this one.

While this story definitely had a different feeling than the original series, it reminds me a lot of the previous books in a good way. This book was written by Anne McCaffrey's daughter, Gigi. I think Gigi really had a good grasp of her mother's world, but you can tell in the reading that her writing style and storytelling is not the same. Gigi's storytelling is a bit less emotional, and her portrayal of the original characters was a bit off for me (but I still liked it).

Overall, I liked this new addition, and I am interested to see where Gigi McCaffrey will go next with her writing.

(Advanced Reader Copy provided by NetGalley)