Average rating3.9
“Dreadful's” premise is great and the first few chapters delivered. Waking up with amnesia and finding you don't like the fashion or decorating choices of your Dark Wizard Dread Lord Gavrax former self was fun.
The goblins were probably my favorite, although I also enjoyed the village Mayor and her enterprising populace (garlic, anyone?).
Unfortunately, we spend too much time navel gazing with Gav and listening to him ask a princess he's kidnapped and locked up in a dungeon whether she'd like him if.... More than once. More than twice.
Also, I would have really enjoyed Gav staying at his castle and continuing to work to make it better instead of just hitting the road with no plan and a teenage princess in tow who suddenly has all kind of agency vs a princess who, days before, is so precious that her father sent brigades of heroes and a White Wizard to save.