Dumb luck : a novel

I should have given Peter Zinoman 5* for his well-researched introduction. The essay did more than perfect in heightening my re-reading experience. Zinoman deserves recognition for his analysis of nature of Vietnamese Modernism.
Despite enjoying the introduction so much, I found Zino's translation quite disappointing. Many characters' signature catchphrases such as “Em chã”, “Thếnày thì nước mẹ gì”, “Biết rồi, khổ lắm! Nói mãi” (respectively translated as “No way!”, “What a pain in the -“, “I know! I know! What a pain! Shut up, already”) get lost in translation. Vu Trong Phung's ironical remarks, what make Dumb Luck so exquisite in its original text, were not well-delivered in translation. For instance, in chapter VI: “Thật là một ông lang băm có danh vọng!” (literally means “What an ambitious charlatan!”) was translated into “His [the quack's] reputation for quackery is unrivaled”. There are many mistranslations of this kind, though doesn't affect the plot as a whole, they ruined the charming of Vu Trong Phung's prose.

I'm not nitpicking. I just feel like this translation could have been done justice if Peter Zinoman had paid more attention to details. Anyway, thank you, Zinoman and your team for introducing this best Vietnamese modernist novel to international attention!

October 3, 2018Report this review