1965 • 704 pages


Average rating4.3


While I found a lot to enjoy in Dune, I don't disagree with the main points presented by many of the people writing negative reviews. The early chapters are slow and tedious, but they lay the foundation for a lot of interesting things to come. Although the book has a dated writing style that comes across as long-winded and stuffy, I gradually got used to it after a few chapters. To me, Dune excels most in its world-building. While reading, I constantly found myself wanting to know more about this society, where computers are outlawed, yet FTL space travel is still possible. Overall, Dune is an excellent read, featuring a fascinating setting that extends far beyond the bounds of the story contained in the book. If these elements pique your interest and you don't mind the writing style, you'll probably enjoy Dune, as I did.

January 3, 2023Report this review