Dungeons & Dragons: Abraxis Wren of Eberron

Dungeons & Dragons: Abraxis Wren of Eberron



Average rating4


Collects three separate stories.

The first two are of a 2-part series, and follows Abraxis Wren and his dwarven assistant Watson, err, I mean Torin. I really enjoyed the abrasive banter and jibes between these two and the mysteries they tackle are well done. The first part is set in Sharn, one of the wonders of the newest (relatively) world of Eberron. The artwork is great, delightfully showcasing the unique architecture of Sharn and the steampunk-style magics put into commercial use.

A flashback constitutes the majority of the third story, where we read the recounting of a secret mission undertaken by a captain of Cyre into the heart of Droaam. Captain Greykell is an impressive and charismatic character. I found the character artwork even better than the already very impressive artwork of Abraxis Wren and Torin. I would love to see more of Captain Greykell. For Cyre and Galifar!

December 11, 2016Report this review