Average rating2
Generally better than volume one (but not by much), as the stories have a bit more meat to them. There are three full adventures in this volume.
The first one stars a rather annoying Onyx (way too grumpy) and his centaur friend (way too naive). It's a roundabout delivery quest that contains a bit too much forced humour that somehow ended up making the story overly long and boring.
The second one gives us Vajra's and Conner's backstories. It's satisfactory, although I'm not particularly fond of Vajra's characterisation. Just like before, during her adventures with Agrivar, she oscillates way too drastically between being a tough-as-nails gladiator and a feminine woman. And the art style doesn't help. The funniest thing that completely threw me off is when Tyr appeared (I never realised that early D&D portrayed Tyr in the style of a viking...).
The third story is shorter (and this somehow makes it better to me), and tells a bit about how Kyriani became “whole (and that somehow it keeps changing her hair colour). The idea is interesting, but the execution completely ignores D&D rules (or even fantasy realism for that matter - Waterdeep got invaded and it was told as a “side effect” of several panels and then completely forgotten). Oh, and Onyx was again here to provide grumbling comic relief.