108 Tips, Tricks, and Ideas for When You're Feeling Anxious, Stressed Out, or Overwhelmed
What fabulously simple book on meditation that truly anyone can gain insight from! As a true beginner myself, Liza made incorporating meditation into anyone's life as easy as humanly possible. Small baby steps that anyone can do, even if you only have a minute, 5 minutes or an unlimited amount of time to take for yourself, this book is all you need!
I loved that it not only shared positive, helpful meditation tips and practices, but mindful messages, and shared tips on how to use small moments in your day to help create and experience joy.. so many useful messages and in a fun, easy-to-read format.
It's my first book on meditation and I've done nothing but recall easy messages and moments from it since that have already helped... Highly recommend this book for anyone looking for just a moment of peace!