Eighty Days to Elsewhere

Eighty Days to Elsewhere

2020 • 482 pages


Average rating3


Romy's uncles have run a bookstore in New York City for thirty years. Now they have a new landlord and the rent has gone up; the bookstore will probably have to close. Romy must do something, but what?

An opportunity presents itself (yes, they always do...it's a romance, after all) and Romy is given a chance at a job planning trips based on travel experiences in books. To prove herself, she must take a trip around the world like that in Around the World in Eighty Days, and she must return by the end of April. If she does so, she will win a bonus that will help save the bookstore and she will have the job. But she doesn't realize that she has competition for the challenge until she runs across the nephew of her nemesis the new landlord and realizes he is also vying for the job.

It's a fun trip around the world, with lots of (curiously) opportunities to help others, and, of course, to fall in love.

October 14, 2020Report this review