El cumpleaños secreto/ The Secret Keeper

El cumpleaños secreto/ The Secret Keeper



Average rating5


One of my favorite things about Kate Morton is the way she tells the story. She goes back and forward between the characters while telling the story. This book, as I expected, was no different.
Without counting, I can tell you this book contains at least 7 plot twist, some of which I wasn't expecting at all, while I was entertained thinking about what might happen, that never did (thanks god).
The book is entertaining, with a good plot, and good characters.
Also, I like books that show a character, and you think you know who he is and how he behaves and then, while the book advances, you realize they're completely different from what you though.
In this books, most of the main characters had that development.
Resuming, this novel is great, I definitely recommend it.

July 31, 2013Report this review