El león, la bruja y el armario
1950 • 238 pages


Average rating4.2


Update: 04/10/2015

If you'd like to read this review on my blog.

Rating: 3.75/5 stars.

The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe is the thrilling start for the wonderful Narnia series, where we get introduced to the marvelous adventures of Lucy, Edmund, Susan and Peter, how it all started, and all the adventures that await.

Damn, I really like this series. I never read them as little because I just didn't have them here. But now I did and I feel great.

starting by saying, the movie adaptation was actually extremely close to the book. I mean, all the events from the book are in the movie, and they weren't changed chronologically or anything. There is of course, the factor that the book always offers more in depth knowledge of the story. But over all, very good adaptation.

The characters where even cuter in this book. But at the same, I didn't see them in depth, or at least not all. For example, Susan felt pretty ghostly for me, commenting when needed and being there to cause some trouble. But I can tell you, I hate Edmund more now. Before he was just an idiot. Now I find him an idiot and very stupid and evil.

One thing that surprised me was how Aslan's character changed for me. I had a very cute, harmless image of him, and with this book he became a little scary, actually.

And the scene where Aslan goes to the witch to be sacrificed, it affected more than it had with the movie. It was gruesome, even. I don't know, felt a little weird reading it like that.

Only thing, is that it's not as interesting as I thought it could be. And nothing really surprising happened.

Overall, I thought it was a great start for a book. definitely read it.


Initial reaction.

Rating: 3.75/5 stars

This are such cute books! And unlike the other one, this one had some angst and frustrating parts as well. I loved, I'm glad that I've read this. But now I won't be able to read the rest because the first two are the only ones I own. Maybe one day.

August 12, 2015Report this review