This is not a book to read quickly. To fully grasp the imagery, story, and situations the people of New Eden are faced with, this must not be read but digested.
Watching Fillion grow into a better person, finding worth in himself and the value in that same worth to others had me in tears. Likewise watching Willow come to the realization of who she is as a young woman and finding the strength and the love within herself that she shares with Fillion made my heart ache.
Coal's change from “Martian” to “fully human” was very interesting to see. How the “real world” interacts is such a cold place to live. And yet he finds love in Lynden and gives up the life he once knew. Lynden growing, changing, and coming into her own person was a struggle to read. My heart hurt for her and rejoiced along with her when she and Coal finally came together.
There are so many secrets withheld from the people of New Eden. The threat to their way of life and potential ejection from the only home some of them have know is tearing me apart.
And yet the saga continues. I cannot wait to get lost within this journey again...
Thank you so much Jesikah Sundin for allowing me the pleasure of continuing this series and reviewing it for other readers.