Average rating3.1
I've got mixed feelings about this book.
The descriptjon promised something else entirely. It said that Jess would find out that Derrick was lying to her but she would be forced to team up with him to save her town.
And it seemed like he would be the enemy.
Instead, the big secret was only that Derrick was a son of goddess Gaia, and THAT'S IT. And we (and Jess) didn't learn of it until 80% of the book.
Also, the fact that main character readily believed the woman who hated her was laughable.
Amd she wasn't forced to team up with him, not at all. She forgave him literally the next day.
So really, the description promised something entorely else and it spoiled a part of the book in the process.
And the scary demons that would destroy the town? Defeated by a 16 year old girl's speech? Oh, come on. That was ridicullous. Why did she had to train her powers then? The book and decription was preparing us for a big battle and what we got was a letdown. Honestly, I'm disappointed.
The romance is cute though. Derrick and Jess are a cute couple but I just didn't care enough. And the change in perspective - Jess's in first person and Derrick's in third person was jarring to say the least. I would have preferred them to be both in the same person and for more chapters from Derrick's point of view.
Speaking of characters, I'm not sure what was the deal with Billy. Half of the book seemed like he was still in love with Jess and tried to win her back, part of the book seemed like he wanted to avoid her, and another part that he was deeply in love with Rosalie and dodn't care about Jess. It was a mess, honestly.
Overall, the book was cute and the vibes were also,just like the romance. But it wasn't wbat I was expecting based on the description which I'm dissapointed in.