Average rating3.5
This was me trying out the author one more time because of all the hype around this book. I gotta tell you, I have no idea how to rate it.
I was H O O K E D. It is a really entertaining read. Then I realized I was almost done with it and was super confused. I felt like not a lot happened in the book. I wasn't sure how the romance grew, because by the time I realized I was close to the end, I thought they were just starting to be okay and maybe something would grow.
It's also difficult to know if I really like Dusty's character because for the majority of the book she has a concussion. Sooooo I can't blame her for not communicating or answering people when most the book she's dealing with stuff and isn't 100% okay (hell not even 50%). How anyone came to like her, I have no idea since any bonding time between her and friends or housemates seems to be off page.
There are also some moments in the book that had me feeling awkward–not feeling great about the romance. There is an unnecessary lie that pissed me off and ruined the rest of the book for me and then Stone asking a woman who her man is, then when she's confused he repeats the question by asking who her handler is. I had such a “WTF?!” moment there. And pretty much no one batted an eye???? And the way people just let Stone come in and make decisions for Dusty left and right... it as weird.
Don't get me wrong, I'm down for an ‘alpha male' book here and there and at first it was cool how helpful and take charge he was, but then.... I don't know, I just thought people would have told him no or double-checked things with Dusty too. It didn't get to the point where he was controlling her life though, so I appreciate that.
For the majority of the book, I couldn't put it down. I thought I was understanding the hype. The mysteries had me gripped and curious and I was liking Dusty. Everything changed at about the 70% marker for me.
So, I'm giving it a “my feelings are still v. confused” 3 stars.