Cover 6


2018 • 360 pages


Average rating5


Let me start by say that it took me a long time to read this book, not because I wasn't enjoying it but because of life and other commitments. Had I had the time this would probably have been a day or two read at most. Why you ask? Because it is so intriguing it makes you want to keep turning the page and wanting to know what happens next. The blurb did not prepare me for what I experienced with this book. I thought it was going to be your typical friends to lovers, movie star romance and it most definitely wasn't. This book has so many layers and depth that it's hard to sum it up in a few words and sentences. Dylan Allen is a queen when it comes to blending an emotional story, with sensitive themes and sexy times. It's the perfect combination, that is written so fluidly that it's a joy to experience. This story hit me in all the feels. Every one. The hope just filled me with warmth for these characters. Ultimately, it's a story about finding your soulmate and having the strength to do what you have to; to survive, to be worthy, and eventually giving yourself the forgiveness you deserve. It's heart-wrenchingly beautiful.

It was a difficult book to read at times, especially at the beginning. But, seeing those experiences really catapulted this book, I think without it, Graham wouldn't have been as likeable. Had Dylan just told us rather than showed us, I wouldn't have empathised with his character as much and therefore not understood his mindset and forgiven him for things that he did. His character growth was astounding. Everything he had experienced, to see his progression was nothing short of beautiful, which, was why when his situation is taken advantage of, I was so mad. Especially with how he decided to handle it. I wanted to slap a guy...not gonna lie. I loved Apollo, I loved her free-spirited nature and the way she was understanding and accepting of Graham and his choices. He should never have doubted her. He was her star and she would have followed him anywhere. I can understand her frustration and I was totally on board with some of the things she did. Especially towards the end. I might even have shouted, “That's my girl!” – What can I say, I love a heroine I can support and that will do what it takes to protect her man. There is one thing that happens in the story that literally had me shouting at my Kindle and contemplating throwing it. I was so mad. How can a person make a decision without all the facts? Graham should have told Apollo everything before he put his D inside her. I'm still furious about it. Apollo should have given him a swift kick in the nads for that crap. I'm not even joking, of all his decisions, this was the one that got to me the most. If I could have reached through my Kindle, I would have. I enjoyed the ending, I think it was a nice close to the book and sort of bookended the beginning, which I loved. I just wish we'd found out what had happened to that biatch. Because she better be rotting somewhere...that's all I'm saying.
I loved that so much time was spent on their friendship because this truly was a story of friends becoming more. Nothing like your typical friends to lovers and it worked perfectly. It very much felt like a story of three parts; young adult, to new adult, to contemporary romance. The reason because it covers so much of their lives and I thought it was all pulled together so spectacularly that it just goes to show the skill and talent of Dylan Allen and why she is a must read author. I like the cover, but it wasn't the reason I picked the book up and it wouldn't have enticed me to. I don't think it accurately depicts the raw emotional tale inside. However, I know many many people that would pick it up based on this cover – I'm just super picky!

February 11, 2019Report this review