Every Breath

Every Breath

2018 • 321 pages


Average rating3.8


I've been over Nicholas Sparks for a while now and the only reason why I read this book is because it's set in one of my favorite places and was inspired by Kindred Spirit, a mailbox you can only get to by foot on an isolated part of Sunset Beach, North Carolina. In spite of the setting, this book was really disappointing. The dialogue was cringey, the characters were not that interesting, the insta-love made zero sense, and you could see the twist coming from a mile away. Certain scenes felt like they were copied & pasted directly from his previous novels. There was a lot of heavy sighing and eye rolling on my part the entire time I was reading.

I absolutely HATED that the only reason Hope and Tru, who were supposedly so in love after only two days together, separated was because Hope wanted to have kids and Tru couldn't. So she marries her on/off boyfriend, has a couple of kids, divorces, and then decides she needs to find her true love over twenty years later. In the years they are apart, Hope is diagnosed with ALS, which isn't a shock because her father also has the disease.I feel like with Nicholas Sparks books, you can always count on someone dying, being sick, or having some huge, devastating secret. It's tiring.

November 11, 2018Report this review