Everybody's Baby

Everybody's Baby



Average rating4


I take it back: [a:Lydia Netzer 4886414 Lydia Netzer https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1384708162p2/4886414.jpg] apparently has more than one book in her. This is not a book about a quirky astronomy-obsessed person and their equally quirky love interest! Who knew (full disclosure: I will read that book as many times as Lydia Netzer cares to write it.) Nonetheless, the concept really allows Netzer's true talent of inventing infinite ultra-quirky characters to shine. You see, there's this baby, and its parents, and then all of its kickstarter backers, each of whom has their own reason for getting involved. The parents, Jenna and Billy, are each well-written and their relationship feels realistic, with the conflict being compelling rather than over-the-top. I thought that the take on crowdsourcing was a little cliche, and perhaps a little on the nose given the GoFundMes for fertility that now exist in real life, but it has been two years since it was written, so there is that. Nonetheless, it's a fun exploration of how the more grassroots part of the internet affects us.

September 25, 2016Report this review