Everything, Everything

Everything, Everything

2015 • 311 pages


Average rating3.6


Oh I really liked this a lot! This was sweet and heart warming but also had depth and some drama, it was just so enjoyable.

I loved the characters of Maddie and Olly, their relationship was super cute and I smiled so much listening to their email conversations (I listened to the audio of this one).

Did I have some major issues with her just deciding to f*ck her illness and pop over to Hawaii?! Yes of course! It was down right stupid.

One thing I found odd about the audio book is that when the email conversations were being read they used different voice actors, so Ollie's emails were read by a male voice actor, but when he was speaking as part of the standard written narrative it was read by the female narrator. Why not use him for those bits too? Seemed an odd choice for me, but that said the narrator was wonderful!! She put so much character into her narration and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

August 5, 2018Report this review