Expect Me Tomorrow

Expect Me Tomorrow

2022 • 324 pages


Average rating3.5


This book really played games with me. In an age where science fiction is often either dystopian or hopeful, this book is kind of both and kind of neither. I felt like I never quite knew what the book was leading up to or why the story was moving in the direction it was. But rather than feeling frustrated, I always wanted a little more. It often felt like an “unreliable narrator” story, except that it wasn't a character that was unreliable so much as the plot itself. Every time I thought I had a grip of what was going on, it slipped into something else entirely.
Much of the history is based on real places and events. The bits about the crime read more like a non-fiction story about an interesting trial, complete with photos and examples of evidence. Likewise, the future chapters are well researched, though often painfully bleak. That said, it's bleak for a reason, and is not totally without hope.
This book really hits the mark in the “makes you think” category. The main characters seemed to affect one another's consciousness in ways that left me wondering about the story well after I finished reading it. However, I wasn't a fan of the sparse and often dry writing style, or the story's tendency to leave strange events unexplained. That's not to say it's poorly written; it represents the first-person perspectives of the characters, none of whom had a clear idea of what was going on. I don't always mind restrictive perspectives or sparse writing, but perhaps because I didn't care too much for the characters - I found them generally uninteresting - it was hard for me to embrace their perspectives. I always considered myself a “concept-driven” reader, but these days I need a character with some depth to them as well to really enjoy a book.

February 5, 2023Report this review