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I don't know what it is with book covers lately the majority seem just...uninspiring. There isn't anything wrong with this cover per se it's just boring. Another hot man body slapped on with boring typography added. This book was AMAZEBALLS, and it deserves a cover that expresses that. Nothing about this cover gives you a HINT of what the book is about.

My cover issues aside, this book was HILARIOUS! Chelle and Will's back and forth banter, as well as their inner thoughts, had me laughing my butt off more times than I can count. It was well-written and nicely paced. Had some witty dialogue as well as some hot sex scenes.

We also have two very likable main characters. Chelle was awesome. She was funny. She was sweet. She didn't put up too much resistance to Will. I loved her. Will (who amazingly enough WASN'T a manwhore) was total book boyfriend material. He was charming. He was hot. He was funny. He was a great Dad, AND he was respectful of his ex. Another thing that is like a unicorn in romance books lately. My one and only complaint is I wished we would have gotten a further into the future look at this couple. I would have liked to have seen a baby or two.

Two HUGE thumbs up from yours truly.

March 14, 2017Report this review