Cover 7

F*ck Marriage

F*ck Marriage



Average rating3.5


**Update: So after gaining some insight into these characters and why they did certain things or acted certain ways straight from Tarryn, I'm not so mad anymore. I would even consider bumping my rating up to 4 stars. I should know by now that nothing Tarryn writes is without thought and explicit reasoning. I know she's never going to give us cliche-filled fluff. She's going to give us real life and flawed characters that make us uncomfortable because we can often see so much of ourselves in them. She's going to have her characters make poor decisions, leaving us wanting to rage-quit, but really she does these things to make us think deeper about what we're reading and make us question why. If you go into this book trusting the amazingness that is Tarryn Fisher's mind and understanding that everything that happens isn't so surface-level, I think you'll enjoy it.

I have never been so conflicted over a book. It's as if Tarryn Fisher decided to take every awful and cliche romance trope and throw them all into a book. We have cheating, a love triangle (square?), a surprise pregnancy, a jealous/catty girlfriend, someone gets hit by a car. Everything I dislike about romance novels is a part of this freaking book.

I can't bear to give Tarryn less than 3 stars. This did pull me out of the reading slump I have been in lately so she gets points for that but overall it was a disappointing read when usually I love Tarryn's books so much.

May 26, 2019Report this review