Fancy Nancy: Puppy Party

Fancy Nancy: Puppy Party



Average rating4


This is delightful, which is not surprising for a Fancy Nancy. In this story it is Frenchy, Fancy Nancy's dog's birthday and they're having a party. All the guests are friends and neighbor dogs and their owners. From the cake to the party games it is all dog devised and organized. Even chaos is fun in the end when you just let it be and enjoy. [Go figure - this is what I get for handwriting reviews before typing them. I just found a second review for Puppy Party.] I think I already have a review of this one floating around, but to make sure let me try again to tell you my thoughts. [Well apparently I saw that coming...] We truly enjoy Fancy Nancy books and this one took a different spin with Frenchy the dog as the main attraction. It's Frenchy's birthday and Nancy goes to lengths to make it fun and memorable for all involved. Full of silliness and almost too much seriousness everyone learns how to relax a bit and have fun. In the back cover flap there is an ad for Nancy and Marabelle Madame Alexander dolls and my goodness does it make a girl dream. We recently read and enjoyed [b:Fancy Nancy: Fanciest Doll in the Universe 16160632 Fancy Nancy Fanciest Doll in the Universe Jane O'Connor 22002080] and I'm sure any Fancy Nancy fan young or not would LOVE to see one of those dolls! Thanks to HC.

August 2, 2013Report this review