

2016 • 272 pages


Average rating4


Chilling. Truly chilling. Two things really stick with me:

The killing couple. They were masked the whole time, and an urban legend to those who never saw them, so they may have mingled amongst the other kids by day. No one knows who they really were, and they're out there. And there are real people like that, waiting for a chance or an excuse to hurt people. The horror movie The Strangers was inspired by true events—people hurting people because they can, because of the shield of isolation. Then...the postcards. So many ramifications behind those. I actually got chills finishing that chapter.

The new company's choice for the park. Pay to pretend you were there. In our murder-entertainment culture right now, where podcast hosts giggle over stories of murder, this is not far-fetched from reality. Therein lies the deep horror.

May 16, 2019Report this review