Cover 4

Fargo Rock City. A Heavy Metal Odyssey in Rural North Dakota

Fargo Rock City. A Heavy Metal Odyssey in Rural North Dakota

2001 • 288 pages


Average rating1


Sigh. Sorry Chuck but I've had to give up on this one. I got halfway and that was a struggle. For a book about that flashiest of music, Glam Metal (or Hair Metal, or even Cock Rock), it commits the cardinal sin of being...well, a bit boring.

Klosterman can write, there's no doubt of that, but the subject matter just didn't grab me. And I like books about music! But too many chapters ended up tying themselves in knots to prove that Glam Metal wasn't/isn't sexist. Or, just because you're offended by it doesn't mean it's offensive. Erm, okay Chuck. Methinks the metalhead doth protest too much....

Chuck knows his stuff and clearly loves the music he grew up listening too. But none of it made me want to go beyond the big hits I already knew. I certainly didn't have a sudden urge to check out Skid Row or Warrant's back catalogue. Narrow escape there.

There's probably a good book to be had out of the bands, personalities and music of the Metal 80's. Sadly this isn't it.

Oh well...

January 22, 2015Report this review