Cover 1

Fatal Witness

2022 • 10 pages


Average rating4


Fast Paced Fun Ride

Robert Bryndza has once again captivated me with “Fatal Witness,” reaffirming my unwavering love for his work. As a dedicated follower of his series, I was disheartened to realize I hadn't yet delved into this seventh installment. Thank goodness for Kindle Unlimited, swiftly remedying my oversight.

Within the pages of this latest entry, Bryndza delivers a riveting crime narrative, masterfully weaving Chief Detective Erika Foster into a web of perilous situations, including ones where her life hangs in the balance. From start to finish, the story gripped me, leaving me eagerly flipping pages. However, the only drawback was the agonizing four-year wait for its release.

The tale commences with Erika's return to her Blackheath abode, interrupted by chilling screams emanating from a nearby flat. Investigating, she discovers a gruesome murder scene, the victim identified as Vicky Clarke, a true-crime podcaster. Suspicion arises that Vicky stumbled upon a dangerous secret, triggering her demise.

As the plot thickens, intricate relationships take center stage—between the victim and her acquaintances, as well as within Erika's own circle. Complications arise with Erika's former flame and colleague, Detective Inspector James Peterson, whose presence ignites discomfort amid romantic entanglements. Sibling dynamics unravel amidst fierce rivalry, while a suspect with influential ties complicates the investigation.

While the brisk pace of the case enthralls, what truly resonates is the portrayal of Erika as a multifaceted woman, not merely a law enforcer. Bryndza adeptly balances the personal and professional aspects of his protagonist, deepening her complexity.

As I eagerly anticipate the next chapter, I remain an ardent fan of Bryndza's series and his skillful storytelling. “Fatal Witness” not only satisfies my craving for gripping crime fiction but also offers a compelling portrayal of its protagonist's humanity. With anticipation, I look forward to sharing the excitement of what lies ahead, for as I compose this review of book seven, I find myself already engrossed in book eight—a testament to Bryndza's undeniable talent.

February 11, 2024Report this review