Father Figure
Father Figure
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Thanks to the author for providing me with an ecopy in exchange for my honest review.
Father Figure switches between past and present stories between Amalia (past) and Brianna (present) until both come together in the middle. There is so much that happens throughout this book and I really don't want to spoil anything so I am going to be pretty vague.
I think Jay is a phenomenal writer. Between his debut novel Watching Glass Shatter and this one he has blown me away with his story telling. He pulls me in from the beginning and holds my attention to the very end. This is one of those books where I told myself just one more chapter and several chapters later I'm still telling myself just one more chapter because I needed to know what happens
While the book is told from 2 points of view there are of course side characters. Some you will love and some you will absolutely hate. I don't like to use the word hate but that definitely sums up my feelings for some of the characters.
As for the main characters I found myself sympathizing more with Amalia then Brianna. While I understood Brianna's need to know who her father is I couldn't get behind some of the choices she was making and the reasons she was telling herself to rationalize those choices I was just like really girl no.
Poor Amalia can't seem to catch a break. Just when you think things are looking up for her something else happens to shatter everything. My heart broke for her on so many occasions. I honestly don't know what I would do if I had to deal with everything she had to deal with.
Overall I absolutely love this book and I highly recommend this to everyone but I will say that this book touches on topics that can be triggering for some so keep that in mind.