Average rating4
Not quite as strong a book as Black Sun, and unlike many readers I definitely noticed a little bit of middle book syndrome as the board was clearly being set for the finale, but by all accounts a good read.
Some twists I saw coming, some I didn't, some characters I grew to like more (Iktan really shines here!) some grew a tad annoying (will Xiala please stop pining) and the ending, as in Black Sun, feels rather abrupt. Any shortcomings however are drowned out by a fast-paced, immersive story that dives right in where Black Sun left off at a breakneck pace. The Crow God is reborn after all.
What becomes even more clear in this second novel is that the world of The Meridian is the true star of the show. Such a beautiful, well-realised world that is carving out its own place in a genre that is usually, though thankfully decreasingly so, Euro-centric. Rebecca Roanhorse has clearly put so much love and care into crafting this world, and I love spending time there. I wish these books were twice as long.