Field Study

Field Study

2021 • 232 pages

This one was both charming and melancholy. The style is really agreeable and if you're the kind of person who enjoys thinking about small things and points of detail you might just fall in love with it.

There's part of the book where the author talks about her final walk with her dog, Charlotte (why is Charlie the perfect name for a good boy or girl?), and at the time of my reading the book (mid-June 2024) my cat, Ali, is home on palliative care and I know that soon I will have to schedule that final appointment with the vet, reading that part of the book made me feel seen and it was oddly comforting so I suspect that this book will hold a special place in my heart on account of it.

After talking about the book with a couple of people I concluded that it is just enough about the author's thinking to not be quite a memoir and that therefore it is okay for me to rate it.

June 14, 2024Report this review