

2014 • 341 pages

I was happy to get this title from Netgalley and was just checking to make sure it downloaded, when I was hooked. I could not put this down. It's a strange, exciting book about a land of “craft” and people with abilities. I didn't know anything about the story going in which helped. This one takes a huge sense of willing suspension of disbelief, but while caught up in the story the reader does not really care about the little details. Now that I've finished, a few things are bothering me. I took off a half of a star for a forced, unnecessary romance (that I felt would have been much better as a friendship), and I had to knock off another half of a star for undeveloped characters. Unfortunately, three of the main characters are not really explored (Shiny, Rae, and Davenport). Clementine is also too well adjusted to society for someone who was trapped in a cellar since the age of ten, she knows way too much and is way too composed.
I suggest thinking of the story as a spooky fairy tale, and it goes down smoothly. Very enjoyable.

April 25, 2014Report this review