Finding Love: The Perfect Size for You

Finding Love: The Perfect Size for You

2014 • 70 pages


Average rating5


If you want to fill an hour with some hot fun you can't go wrong with this book and the audio by [a:Sean Crisden 4531094 Sean Crisden] is quite a treat.This is the story of the porn star/rent-boy and the young shy virgin nerd but with a nice twist.Ty is the cocky, well endowed rent-boy who is more than confident of his attributes and his abilities.Andy is the shy, virgin, college student who hires Ty to teach him about sex so that if he ever gets a chance with his crush he'll know what to do. They fall for each and become more than client and trick which is no surprise but how the relationship develops is a nice twist. I enjoyed this very much and would be up for seeing these two in some future story.

December 11, 2016Report this review