Average rating2
- positive female friendships
- minor character growth?
- a MC who loves books
- very bland, (I almost want to say sub-par but also don't b/c wow mean) writing. it really almost read like YA that was published in like 2013 or something
- so much of this was so cringe-y. you could tell this was an adult writing to seem like a teen and just didn't work for me
- Cam was so unlikable & irritating. she was so obsessed with Marc, having a boyfriend, and just changed herself to like everything someone she was interested in liked. I know this was part of her character growth & she did realize this wasn't great in the end but it happened way too late for me, I really didn't get to enjoy her character growth at all
- I feel like this is meant to seem like it's about Cam realizing not everything is about boys or being in a relationship but... 80% of the book was her thinking about boys or trying to get a boy and wishing she was in a relationship