Finding Nouf
2007 • 305 pages


Average rating2



I went in with low expectations as I often tend to with books written by non native writers writing about the Middle East. I loved how gripped I'd been by the story and I enjoyed the writing a lot. However, I couldn't ignore all the little details that were clear indication of insufficient research and it irked me a lot. Terminologies being misused, associations of certain other cultures being confused with the one presented, other misrepresentations, and a wholly American narrative being used as a ‘voice' for the characters. While the author has done her best, the book still gives a superficial feel, a lack of authenticity to the people, culture, and the times being represented.

I still enjoyed it and I'm looking forward to the next book in the series because despite the parts that didn't settle well with me, the story had me hooked.

August 16, 2023Report this review