First Time

First Time

1996 • 186 pages


Average rating5


The blurb of the novel promises a powerful portrayal into the mind and life of a teen growing up in an Irish school. Despite being of a completely different culture, I found myself completely absorbed in the story. Even though we faced these problems a few years later where I come from, they are undoubtedly universal. The teen years and the muddle of moods, identities, relationships, issues, that accompanies them spoke to me deeply. It portrays the all too familiar plot of a young girl at school being dismissed by everyone at the least, or bullied, at the most. However, the main character is so likeable. Her timidity, her confusion, her naivete and her gullibility, and her rollercoaster relationship with her best friend- written drama-free with the voice of better judgement, yet non-patronising, is the reason why I will now rank this book among one of my favourites.

May 25, 2018Report this review