Fish Girl

Fish Girl

2017 • 192 pages


Average rating5


I've been thinking about this book even after I finished reading it. This is a story about a mermaid who is the secret main attraction in a aquarium, Her mystery is what keeps the costumers coming back to try and find her. Her closest friend and guardian is an octopus, until a girl spots her and says she is beautiful and makes friends with her quickly. The mermaids friend starts to question why she is treated the way she is and wonders how Neptune does his act. The mermaid has only ever know Neptune as a god so when she finds out he has been manipulating her she questions her freedom and who she can trust. Soon she finds out she has some new legs to stand on and wants to escape. The art in this book is also gorgeous! You really lose yourself when you are reading this story. ~Ashley

This book is really powerful to me because this mermaid was lied to and manipulated all her life, she is trapped in a house aquarium all her life, no one is allowed to see her (only briefly to make money), and this is the only life she's ever know until she makes a connection with a true friend does she start to question her treatment. Neptune is no god and she now is growing more confident and working hard to leave. It's not easy having a controlling figure in your life (especially a parental one) and leaving these toxic and awful relationships can be hard. I really liked this book a lot because it was kinda a fantasy but also metaphorical. The message at the end is very empowering and is why I've been thinking about it so much. Great story and I highly recommend.