Average rating3.9
ARC received from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
A powerful and thought provoking first instalment to the Rift Walker series.
Ig who is rescued after his captivity within a horrific cult. His life is one of struggle and pain. Perhaps his rescuers can change his life for the better, perhaps not.
Creative world building. A world full of stone and fire, the whole time I was envisioning a hell on earth. Pyremoss filters through tunnels, lighting the ways through the cold, icy stone walls. Pools of red hot lava litter the smiths working areas. I definitely haven't read anything similar and it was great to read about.
Characters where both charming and hateful. Ig goes through a horrible journey, his flesh binding him to the will of his master, forcing him to do any horrible deed they deem necessary. Abusive relationships are paramount in this story, showing you the evils in which people will go to, in order to control and use someone to their benefit.
The plot did slow down quite considerably at points. I don't want to say a lot about the plot, it's best if you RAFO. It did keep me going. A lot of battle scenes, which were really cool when they included the magic system..oh the magic system, wait until you see what Ig can do! A lot of battle intrigue. The plot is Ig and the gang who are trying to reclaim the throne and that's all I'll say.
4/5 stars. I would recommend to anyone who enjoys their fantasy with a dash of BrandoSando and Pierce Brown