Average rating4
Flash for Freedom! is a 1971 novel by George MacDonald Fraser. It is the third of the Flashman novels.
As usual with these books, this one covers a lot of diverse historical ground: The 1848 Chartist demonstration, Disraeli, the African slave trade, King Ghezo and his amazon warriors, the underground railroad and Abraham Lincoln himself. Much of the in the United States itself.
After a scandal involving cheating and assault, England becomes too hot for young Flashman and his father-in-law sends him off. Flashman suddenly realizes that he's on a slave ship captained by a lunatic bound for Africa to take on a cargo of slaves, and he's horrified. Not so much about slavery but that running slaves is proscribed in 1848 and he's fearful of the ship being seized by an interdicting navy. They transport a cargo to the Americas but offload it before being captured by the U.S. Navy. Flashman manages to pose as a Royal Navy spy, then escapes before having to give testimony. He flees up the Mississippi in a variety of guises; reluctantly escorting escaped slaves; subsequently becoming a slavedriver himself for a while before the slaveowner has Flashman sold into slavery; escaping across a frozen river to be saved from slavecatchers by Congressman Abraham Lincoln; before ending up in a New Orleans courtroom.
What I found most interesting about this book was that it got into the international politics of slave trading. It was allowable to own slaves in America, but slave trading itself had been outlawed and was punishable by death. Consequently, when Flashman finds out he's on a slave trading vessel, he's horrified not for moral reasons, but because he's worried about being caught and hanged.
Reader be warned: there is extensive use of the “n” word. But if you can set that to one side, this is a extremely entertaining book.