Flirting in Italian

Flirting in Italian


Average rating3


It's just not summer if you don't read at least one one book (1) about a Summer Romance, (2) with a Clever Main Character, and (3) an Exotic Setting. Flirting in Italian satisfies all three criteria.

Violet is off to Italy, seeking to find out more information about a painting of a girl that looks remarkably like herself. She is ostensibly there for a summer study course, staying in a villa with three other students, but hoping to discover more about the subject of the painting said to be from a family living in a nearby villa.

Handsome Italian boys...yummy Italian food and wine...the mystery of the curious girl in the painting...and even a poisoning...what more could you ask for in a summer teen read?

I was a little annoyed to find that the book is only available (as of yet) in hardback (it screams to be a paperback beach read) and that the book ends without resolving the question of the odd resemblance of Violet to the girl in the painting (requiring one to read yet another very, very light teen read next summer, I presume.)

July 7, 2012Report this review